The story revolves around Jeanne, a brilliant architect who is entrusted with the renovation of a sumptuous manor house belonging to the rather strange Daguerre family, who sit atop a board games empi...
[突袭]系列导演加雷斯·埃文斯转战小荧屏,将执导新剧《伦敦黑帮》(Gangs of London,暂译),同时他也将担任该剧联合编剧。新剧由HBO旗下Cinemax频道、天空电视网联合出品。故事背景设置在现代伦敦,一个犯罪团伙头目之死引发出了伦敦不同国籍、不同派系之间的帮派斗争。该剧将于2019年播出。...
Can Al Pereira (Jess Franco) ever catch a break? Stuck in Puerto Rico, down on his luck and broke, he finally gets a job seeing if Carlos Ramos (Eric Fauk) is cheating on his wife Cynthia (Lina Romay)...