

军情五处第五季(2006)[ 欧美剧]
In the fifth season of the British espionage thriller, Harry Pearce and Adam Carter begin to suspect that members of the British establishment are creating a crisis in order to bring about a change of...
军情五处第六季(2007)[ 欧美剧]
In season six of the British espionage thriller, the team are pushed to their limits, as the relationship between British and American security deteriorates and loyalties change. Adam and Ros fight ag...
军情五处第四季(2005)[ 欧美剧]
Season four of espionage drama "MI-5" finds the team reeling from the loss of Danny (David Oyelowo), but thrown back into action when a bomb detonates near his funeral. Zafar Younis (Raza Ja...
救我第二季(2020)[ 欧美剧]
On a tireless quest to find meijubar.net his missing daughter Jody, Nelly will go to any length to uncover the truth and he'll discover more about himself and those around him than he could have e...
疯城记第二季(2011)[ 欧美剧]
第一季已远去两年之久,许多人一度以为此剧已经被BBC砍掉了,而不久前却突然传出了第二季播出的消息——英国时间5月5日晚10点,即北京时间6日凌晨5点首播。   新的一季里的人物将由第一季结局在乌鸦岭医院幸存下来的人出演,当他们出席在爆炸中牺牲的他们中的一员的葬礼时,就会为您揭晓.   新的神秘召唤,围绕着寻找Kenchington的吊坠而展开,故事会带我们进入一个谋杀事件的世界,还有间谍,和丢...
皆大欢喜(2021)[ 欧美剧]
The boys are back and...better than ever? Watch James Lafferty and Stephen Colletti in Everyone Is Doing Great on January 13, only on Hulu....
交叉世界(2018)[ 欧美剧]
《交叉世界 The Crossing》由Dan Dworkin﹑Jay Beattie及Jason Reed联合开发,讲述一群因为国家被战争摧毁的难民,来到美国一小城镇寻求庇护,不过……这群人口中说的「国家」指的是美国,战争是在250年后的未来。而当地一个有过去的警长Jude ﹑联邦探员Emma﹑一个寻找失踪难民女儿的母亲,将同时卷入一个令人惊讶的阴谋事件当中。   何家蓓/Sandrine H...
郊区故事第一季(2011)[ 欧美剧]
  为了养家糊口,乔治(杰瑞米·西斯托 Jeremy Sisto 饰)整日在外辛苦打拼,却忘记了家庭亦需要他的呵护和关怀。终于,某一日,乔治的妻子再也无法忍受充满了孤独和寂寞的生活,她丢下了年幼的女儿特雷莎(简·莱维 Jane Levy 饰),离家出走。就这样,乔治成为了一名单身奶爸。  从刚开始的手足无措到如今的得心应手,乔治在奶爸的道路上越走越顺,如今,特雷莎俨然出落成为了亭亭玉立的少女,可乔...
火线警探第三季(2012)[ 欧美剧]
U.S. Marshal Raylan Givens is a modern day 19th century-style lawman, enforcing his brand of justice in a way that puts a target on his back with criminals and places him at odds with his bosses in th...
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