Aline Ruby, an obstinate private detective, and Carlos Rivera, an android replica of his deceased partner, throw themselves in a race against the clock across Mars. They must find Jon Chow, a simple c...
In a monastery cult off from the world, the monks run a clinic for the possessed. One day, a young policeman Marek comes to the convent. Posing as a clergyman, he penetrates monastic life and tries ...
该剧根据Frank Miller及Tom Wheeler所著的未出版同名青年向小说改编,采用Nimue的角度描述亚瑟王的传奇,她注定会成为强大但悲剧的湖中妖女/Lady of the Lake;剧情讲述Nimue母亲过身后,她意外地与年轻的雇佣兵亚瑟成了伙伴,他们将结伴找寻梅林并递交一把古老的剑。而在旅程当中,Nimue将成为对抗乌瑟王及红色骑士团的象征人物。...
Netflix拿下YA漫画小说《心跳停止 Heartstopper》改编的半小时剧集,共8集。
原作者Alice Oseman负责改编,《火炬木小组》导演Euros Lyn执导,打造了《婚情咨文 State of the Union》的See-Saw Films为制片公司。