During an exclusive tour, a power breakdown inside a secret prison known as the Death House sends two agents fighting through a labyrinth of horrors while being pursued by a ruthless army of roaming i...
Deep in the Northern California woods, in the heart of the notorious Emerald Triangle, lies a remote cabin. The residents struggle to fight off the repeated attacks and abductions by mysterious crea...
The new town sheriff moves into a large creepy old house with his family. It seems that in the town of Salem there's a special house for the sheriff to live in gr...
麦考尔(丹泽尔·华盛顿 Denzel Washington 饰)一直以来都过着隐姓埋名离群索居的生活,所有人都以为他已经死了,只有苏珊(梅丽莎·里奥 Melissa Leo 饰)还和他保持着联系。一天,苏珊接到任务,要前往布鲁塞尔调查一位CIA特工自杀的案件,之后就失去了联系,麦考尔凭借这本能察觉到,苏珊已经死了。 为了调查苏珊死亡的真相,麦考尔不惜重出江湖,他和曾经的搭档戴夫(佩德罗·帕斯...
19世纪,经历了影响深远的南北战争,美国终于迎来了新的时代。亚伯拉罕·林肯(比尔·奥伯斯特 Bill Oberst, JR 饰)接连取得与人类的胜利,却不得不面对新的敌人。他麾下一直部队在巡察途中遭遇活死人,三十人仅有一人幸存,但由于惊吓过度精神失常。北方政府怀疑这是南方的最新武器,于是计划派出一支12人的小分队深入敌后,救出被困的人员。勇猛无敌的林肯见识了活死人的威力,自告奋勇带部队向南方进发。...