A psychological drama centered around world-famous turn-of-the-century photographer, Eadweard Muybridge who photographed nude and deformed subjects, became the godfather of cinema, murdered his wife's...
Sophia, a smart but quiet high schooler, strikes up a friendship with a new girl in class, but the girl begins to disrupt the lives of Sophia and her family. Sophia is then forced to uncover her frien...
Russel(汤姆·库伦 Tom Cullen 饰)是一个同性恋者,他在人群中小心翼翼地隐藏着自己,生怕被别人发现他是同性恋。一个周末晚上,参加完朋友聚会的他来到一家Gay Bar寻找一夜情。他遇见了Glen(克里斯·钮 Chris New 饰)。一夜之后,Glen让Russel录下了一段他对性的看法。Glen是个在美术馆工作的艺术家。之后他们又见了几次面,在一起讨论他们的过去,他们的人生,他...