genera+ion follows a group of high school students whose exploration of modern sexuality (devices and all) tests deeply entrenched beliefs about life, love and the nature of family in their conservati...
An orphan boy in search of his origin. A young princess held prisoner in deadly Dragon City. Jim and his friend Luke discovering mysterious lands on the quest of a lifetime....
获奖情况:·戈雅奖-最佳男配角 安东尼奥·德拉·托雷 Antonio de la Torre·戈雅奖-最佳音效 James Mu oz , Sergio Bürmann , Nicolas de Poulpiquet·戈雅奖-最佳剪辑 大卫·皮尼洛斯 David Pinillos , Antonio Frutos·戈雅奖-最佳特效 Reyes Abades , Isidro Jiménez...