A small group of town residents have to band together after a devastating ground invasion. As they struggle to survive, they realize th ey must stay one step ahead of their attackers, and work togethe...
16-year-old Yuguo, who has a passion for Eastern European romantic poetry, makes a pilgrimage from his home in China to the foothills of Romania’s Carpathian Mountains.
There are not many 16-year-o...
蝙蝠侠新冒险/新蝙蝠侠与罗宾冒险记,英文名The New Batman Adventures,英文又名Batman: Gotham Knights,于1997年9月在美国WB台首播,1999年1月播完,共2季24集。可以说是《蝙蝠侠动画版》(Batman: The Animated Series)的续作。