When a private eye takes a case to find a missing university student, he must explore the deep dark depths of his own mind to uncover the truth around his own childhood disappearance as he tracks down...
泰吉•巴德兰德巴德(卡尔•潘 Kal Penn 饰)带着范•维尔德的精神和大学学位,远赴英国加尔福德大学——这里是他父亲曾经“战斗”过的地方,兄弟会“狐狸与猎犬”之屋留下了父亲风光的记忆,然而来这里担任助教的泰吉并不被对方认可,狐狸与猎犬的首脑皮普反而将泰吉戏弄了一通。泰吉来到自己负责的宿舍——被戏称为马厩的败落小屋,这里住着四个边缘化的学生:研究量子物理和男女关系的盖辛,暴躁的爱尔兰人谢莫斯...
皮卡(麦克·梅尔斯 Mike Myers 饰)刚刚降生就被双亲遗弃,幸运的是,一个虔诚的印度宗教家收养了嗷嗷待哺的皮卡,将他养大成人。长大后的皮卡受到故乡的召唤,远渡重洋回到了故乡美国,在那里,他利用自己印度教导师的身份开办了一个“诊所”,专门治疗恋爱中的疑难杂症。这种融合了宗教和精神力量的新颖治疗方式很快就为皮卡赢得了金钱和名誉,但当球队经理布拉德(杰西卡·阿尔芭 Jessica Alba 饰)...
When 16-year-old Maddy's mother had to go work overseas for three months, she had to move in with her hardcore grandfather. There she becomes friends with someone who trains dogs....
An impressive solar storm befalls the Earth causing power surges and blackouts. A deeper storm rages in the soul of Regina, a lonely spinster called 'Fr?ulein', after a mysterious tourist pass...