The BBC will air Return to Paradise, a new Australia-set spin-off from one of the UK’s most watched dramas Death in Paradise. Filming next year, the six-part series will be produced by BBC Studios Pro...
Sarah, a depressed college drop out, must uncover her family's twisted history, and her own greater purpose if she is to defeat the Salem Doll, a monstrous wooden creature that terrorises Sarah ...
这部BBC伪纪录片式喜剧讲述了BBC为深入了解如今在英国农村地区的年轻人感到的前所未有边缘化,在科兹沃尔德地区村庄跟拍了一些年轻人。这是Charlie Cooper和Daisy May Cooper姐弟俩根据自身经历自编自演的伪纪录片式喜剧,他们名不见经传,不久前还无业住在父母家,浑浑噩噩一事无成,以此经历改编的故事却成了这部热门BBC喜剧。...