Forced to travel with her boyfriend, Laine, she begins to experience premonitions associated with the urban myth of The Creeper. Laine believes that something supernatural has been summoned - and that...
In order to cheer up recently divorced Chloe, her friend, Sam gives her a giant teddy bear, Bearry. As Chloe confides her wishes to Bearry, people close to her go missing or die. Is Chloe a murderer, ...
《双面法医 Dexter:Early Cuts》动画网络剧总共12集,将于北京时间10月26日在SHO电视台的网站上播出,刚动画系列将讲述Dexter年轻的时候是如何一步步成为现在的“连环杀手”的。
Showtime Announced That It Is Producing A 12-Part Webisode Animated Prequel To Dexter Named "...
“Mariah’s Christmas: The Magic Continues” is a highly anticipated holiday special that will reveal the first and only performance of the multi-Grammy Award-winning global icon’s new single, “Fall in...