The film follows Ava, a young bank professional who is devastated when her husband Dallas abandons a marriage she is determined to fight for. But then fate intervenes, revealing Dallas’ wicked deeds t...
It tells the story of Jem who can only think of her handsome youth pastor. When they start an affair, her chaste life is thrown into turmoil, jeopardizing her place in her family and the only world ...
采访在第二季中继续进行。2022年,吸血鬼Louis de Pointe du Lac(雅各布·安德森 Jacob Anderson 饰)向记者Daniel Molloy(埃里克·博高森 Eric Bogosian 饰)讲述着他的人生故事。于1940年密谋杀害了吸血鬼Lestat de Lioncourt(萨姆·里德 Sam Reid 饰)后,Louis和新手吸血鬼少女Claudia (德莱尼...
Series two joins Chris Carson six months later. Chris is attempting to rebuild his life, and his relationships, desperate to avoid the corruption that nearly sucked him under. He is trying to be a b...
为全身心投入创作,美丽迷人的作家珍妮弗(莎拉·巴特勒 Sarah Butler 饰)驱车来到一个偏僻乡间撰写小说。她的绰约身子在当地俨然一道靓丽乃至刺眼的风景,自然吸引了许多人的注意和妄念。她闲适恬淡的心情并未持续多久,似乎总有无数双眼睛在背后紧紧注视着她。某晚,与珍妮弗有过一面之缘的加油站工人乔尼(杰夫·布兰森 Jeff Branson 饰)带领伙伴们闯入她的房间,虽然她奋力反抗,但在这片法外之...