"Tell Me Lies" follows a tumultuous but intoxicating relationship as it unfolds over the course of 8 years. When Lucy Albright (Grace Van Patten) and Stephen DeMarco (Jackson White) meet a...
The victim: Police Constable Greg Schultz. The killer: stand-up comic and Greg's older brother Murray Schultz. Greg's death is the first case for Oscar following his recovery and promotion to ...
Netflix预订8集剧《忽然单身 Uncoupled》,这部由《艾米丽在巴黎 Emily in Paris》主创Darren Star及《摩登家庭 Modern Family》执行制片Jefferey Richman负责的剧讲述Michael自以为有着美好的生活,直至他那相处了17年的丈夫突然离开了他,这使得他面对两个噩梦,一是失去了灵魂伴侣﹑二是在纽约作为一个已经40多岁的单身同性恋。...