In a dystopian future, children are considered property of the military regime which trains them to fight in a state boarding school. A Cree woman tries to get her daughter back. A...
Afflicted with a mysterious disease after surviving an overdose, a woman returns to her childhood home to confront her personal demons but instead discovers a real one....
When a car careens out of control over an embankment, killing a middle-aged man in the driver's seat, Megan learns that all is not well on a pretty suburban cul-de-sac. Looking past the perfect ...
An abandoned paramour tracks her lover down to a distant lighthouse. When she finds her beyond hope she must find a way to save a child from the malignant spirit of her deceased father and the madness...
Season one follows BEE, a jaded girl who plays a self-destructive game of hooking up with as many straight girls as possible, much to the disapproval of her best friend and roommate, OLIVIA--whose ene...