The "Sixth Bus" is a film about a young woman trying to find out how her father disappeared never to be found, during a war in Croatia that stunned Europe and the world. It is abou...
After her mother is murdered on Halloween, a rebellious teenager travels back in time to 1987 where she must stop the young would-be-killer and get back to her rightful time line before she's trap...
Les habitants d’une tour de cité découvrent un matin qu’un voile noir obstrue toutes les fenêtres et la porte d’entrée de l’immeuble. Un voile noir qui dévore tout ce qui tente de le pénétrer…...
A man finds a ghost sitting in a chair that never moves, and opens up a ghost tourism business for the wealthy. But terrifying occurrences haunt the observers as they uncover the mystery behind the ...