In the secret forests of Northern Italy, a dwindling group of joyful old men and their faithful dogs search for the world’s most expensive ingredient, the white Alba truffle. Their stories form a real...
A man haunted by the mysterious death of his 4-year-old sister brings her back to life thirty years later as an adult woman, with dire consequences....
Comedy and Horror unite in this "The Breakfast Club" meets "Shaun of the Dead" tale about a group of oddball high school students who find themselves trapped in detention with thei...
1988,还是孩童的凯蒂(科萝尔·森格瑞 Chloe Csengery 饰)和克莉丝蒂(杰茜卡·泰勒·布朗 Jessica Tyler Brown 饰)随着妈妈朱莉(劳伦·彼特纳 Lauren Bittner 饰)以及继父丹尼尔(克里斯托弗·尼古拉斯·史密斯 Christopher Nicholas Smith 饰)搬入一幢全新的大房子居住。丹尼尔是摄影工作者,平时经常拿着摄像机拍来拍去。某晚他拍...