Following the death of their mother, four estranged siblings find themselves fighting for their inheritance and for their lives when an eccentric stranger arrives, claiming their famous haunted childh...
After committing a series of multiple murders, a neurologist visits an incarcerated killer, living in exile. She studies him and his brain and discovers the horror that lurks behind his violent impuls...
In the dark landscape of the Mississippi Delta, a bare knuckle cage fighter seeks to repay his debts in a final, desperate attempt to salvage the family home of his dying foster mother....
银河帝国再建威力更大的新“死星”,试图彻底消灭抵抗力量。卢克?天行者(马克?哈米尔 Mark Hamill 饰)派机器人R2-D2和C-3PO前往塔图因星贾霸处协商交换被冷冻的韩?索罗(哈里森?福特饰)未果;后在莉亚公主(卡里?费什尔 Carrie Fisher 饰),猿人丘巴卡(彼得?梅林 Peter Mayhew 饰)和蓝多?卡瑞辛(比利?迪?威廉姆斯 Billy Dee Williams 饰...
In search of a new energy source, Russia accidentally reawakens the Kolossus - a giant robot doomsday device from the Cold War. At the same time, a new Mega Shark appears, threatening global security....
Within the space of 24 hours, Feña is swept through the extremes of human emotion, when people who seemed to disappear when he transitioned are suddenly back in his life. What counts are not just th...