Fernando, a talented chef, arrives to the village of Cadaqués during the 70s, residence of the internationally renowned Salvador Dalí. The paths of the chef and the artist will cross and cause the bir...
Set on Christmas Eve in a small convenience store near the bottom of the socioeconomic food chain where a hostage situation breaks out over a $156 million lottery ticket....
乔·赖特(《至暗时刻》《赎罪》《傲慢与偏见》)将执导悬疑惊悚新片《窗里的女人》(The Woman in the Window),根据A.J. Finn所著同名畅销小说改编,崔西·莱茨(《八月:奥色治郡》《伯德小姐》)操刀剧本。讲述女主角Anna Fox隐居在纽约家中,酗酒、看老电影、回忆曾经的美好,以及暗中监视她的邻居们。当罗素一家三口搬来后,Anna某晚透过窗户看到了不该看的东西,她的世界开始...