Set against the world of a major drug cartel bust, the series follows two low-level cops who have spent far too much time in a car together; two criminals who are largely kept in the dark; two dispatc...
Informer is a sophisticated, character-driven thriller about Raza, a young, second generation Pakistani man from East London (Nabhaan Rizwan) who is coerced by Gabe, a Counter-Terrorism officer (Paddy...
CBS All Access第三部剧《搞事警察 No Activity》确定在美国时间11月12日上线,该喜剧由Will Ferrell及Adam McKay负责,根据同名澳剧所改篇。在警察搜捕贩卖集团的背景下,剧集角色包括两个待在同一警车许久的底层警察﹑两个待在暗处的罪犯﹑两个不合拍的外派劳工﹑两个才刚见面就得一同待在墨西哥贩毒隧道的家伙。
Patrick Brammall及Tim Mea...
今年的幸运儿就是《疯狂前女友 Crazy Ex-Girlfriend》,前Showtime开发剧集,现在被CW预定。 其实这部剧集大家都听说过,多个月前,showtime说要开发音乐剧。但是阴差阳错下,却变成了CW的剧集。从半小时喜剧,变成了一小时戏剧。CW看中 该剧的原因,是因为发现该剧有像《处女贞 Jane The Virgin》般的潜力。由于半小时喜剧变成一小时时长...
A young woman abandons a choice job at a law firm and her life in New York in an attempt to find love in the unlikely locale of West Covina, California....