Brandon prepares to give his last stand-up comedy show. As his stories and jokes pass, the public begins to cheer up. But at that precise moment Brandon will realize that these stories have a strong...
原剧是1993年澳大利亚电影《伤心小孩 The Heartbreak Kid》的衍生剧,讲述一群青少年在高中的成长故事,探讨青春期、浪漫关系、种族歧视、毒品、无家可归、青少年犯罪、宗教、教育...
The long-running culinary hit returns with a season that’s all about the pizza pie. From Portland to Phoenix, Italy to Japan, go inside the kitchens of chefs whose creativity elevates this ordinary di...
Outside Parliament in Reykjavik, a man throws himself at the Minister for Industry, setting fire to them both. He dies, but she survives. Andri Olafsson, now working in Reykjavik, is assigned to the c...