Grounded in South African folklore, this moody, menacing supernatural thriller follows a white family newly arrived on an inherited farm. Soon after moving in, they meet a mysterious local outcast n...
Melodrama detailing the real-life love affair between feminist writer Vita Sackville-West (Janet McTeer) and novelist Violet Keppel (Cathryn Harrison) against the backdrop of post-World War I England ...
凡妮莎(Alissa Jung 饰)即将和相恋多年的男友蒂姆(迈克尔·德根 Michael Degen 饰)携手步入婚姻的殿堂,可是,蒂姆最近对待凡妮莎的态度有些冷淡,这让妹子感到十分的担忧。于是,凡妮莎买了前往希腊的飞机票,蒂姆此刻正在那里出差公干,她打算以这样一个小小的惊喜让两人的感情重新升温。 在飞机上,凡妮莎结识了名叫詹姆斯(曼努尔·科特兹 Manuel Cortez 饰)的男子,听闻了...