In a dystopian future, children are considered property of the military regime which trains them to fight in a state boarding school. A Cree woman tries to get her daughter back. A...
A young woman who experiences painful and gruesome side effects after an experiment with time travel goes wrong. She loses control and shifts through time at random....
A young, recently-released and unpredictable ex-con with bad luck, and a sexy, listless girl-next-door with a troubled family, become trapped in a downward spiral of crime and obsessive love, as they ...
The girls return to Malory Towers along with new girl, Ellen Wilson. A new head of form has to be elected, with Darrell, Alicia and Gwendoline all nominated for the position....
Raf et Julie forment un couple au bord de la rupture, qui se retrouve dans un service d'Urgences proche de l'asphyxie au soir d'une grande manifestation parisienne. Personnel débordé?, man...
A criminal story set in the 1980s. Robert, a young policeman "out of principle", finds a serial gay killer. In the course of the investigation, he meets Arek. She decides to use him as an in...