Six months after her life unraveled and dark secrets were revealed, Molly is confined to a psychiatric hospital when she learns of bizarre deaths that sound eerily similar to those she witnessed in sp...
经过一番近乎白热化的激烈争夺,CBS夺得斯皮尔伯格及其Amblin电视制片公司开发的新剧《传世》(Extant)。为了表明他们对该剧的信心,CBS跳过试映环节直接给予该剧13集预订,并安排它在明年夏天播出。CBS对这个项目如此果断显然是因为Amblin电视制片公司开发的另一部科幻悬疑剧《苍穹下》(Under The Dome)今年夏天出人意料地大热(《苍穹下》同样跳过试映环节直接获得了13集预订)...
Boyd Mitchler and his family must spend Christmas with his estranged family of misfits. Upon realizing that he left all his son's gifts at home, he hits the road with his dad in an attempt to make...
未来,2044年。时间旅行从被发明的一开始就属于非法,只有当黑帮组织想清理某个特定对象、又不愿意在此世界留下任何痕迹时,才会出动“环形使者”。他们专门负责处决那些被时间传送回彼世界的目标。之所以称为“环形使者”,因为他们最终必须杀死未来的自己——这样才不会给未来主顾留下任何的麻烦。这个过程被称为“封环”。杀手乔(约瑟夫·高登-莱维特 Joseph Gordon-Levitt 饰)是最年轻的环形使者...