Rescue: HI-Surf is an action drama that follows the personal and professional lives of the heavy-water lifeguards who patrol and protect the North Shore of O’ahu—the most famous and dangerous stretc...
Ben Sherman is about to complete Phase 2 of his rookie year. During Phase 3, he will be allowed to patrol solo. Detective Adams and Officer Brown are assigned new partners. Rene Cordero, Adams's...
这部由三大艾美奖获奖演员John Wells、Ann Biderman和Chris Chulack联袂主演的罪案剧,以独特的视角讲述了发生在洛杉矶警察局的警察故事。从风光秀丽的马利布(Malibu)海滩,到错综复杂的东洛杉矶街道,到处都活跃着他们的身影--他们要与犯罪分子作斗争,要与受害人打交道,还要求得家人的理解和支持。 Michael Cudlitz("A River Runs...
约翰尼(埃米尔·赫斯基 Emile Hirsch 饰)年纪轻轻却是洛杉矶圣加布里埃尔山谷一代赫赫有名的毒贩头子,花着靠贩毒得来的不义之财,约翰尼和自己的一帮弟兄们活得自在又滋润。一日,约翰尼和朋友驾车兜风,偶然遇到了名叫扎克(安东·尤金 Anton Yelchin 饰)的男孩,扎克是杰克(本·福斯特 Ben Foster 饰)的弟弟,杰克欠了约翰尼一大笔钱,于是,半真半假的,约翰尼“绑架”了扎克。...
Officer John Cooper returns to duty after recovering from back surgery and meets his new partner, Officer Jessica Tang, a tough and disciplined cop with her own set of baggage from working the stree...