豪富的巴克家族继承人——亚瑟(拉塞尔?布兰德 Russell Brand 饰)是纽约城里知名的彼得潘式的人物,他化装成蝙蝠侠横冲直撞之类的荒唐行为屡屡见报,令他执掌家族公司的母亲倍感压力。亚瑟如同无知孩童一般的行为屡屡需要老管家霍布森(海伦?米伦 Helen Mirren 饰)收拾残局,母亲无法忍受亚瑟为公司名誉抹黑的举止,以断绝其经济来源要挟亚瑟和自己得力的女助手苏珊成婚,苏珊颇有事业野心,一心...
情人节,洛杉矶,花店老板瑞德(艾什顿•库彻 Ashton Kutcher 饰)向女友莫莉(杰西卡•阿尔芭 Jessica Alba 饰)求婚,对方欣然应允,他欣喜若狂地跟好友朱丽叶(珍妮弗•加纳 Jennifer Garner 饰)分享。而后者的医生情人却不能共度佳节, 所以她只能去陪闺蜜。小白领利兹(安妮•海瑟薇 Anne Hathaway 饰)跟男友乔什欢度春宵后,马上去做带班秘书。体育记...
Having woken up in Hong Kong, with no memory for the last two years (!), Sydney returns to Los Angeles to try to piece together the last two years of her life and discovers the fates of her friends ...
Sydney finds herself face-to-face with her long-lost mother, Irina Derevko, whose intentions for her daughter are made chillingly clear. However, Sydney manages to escape and rejoin Jack and Will in...