A renowned painter who rose from an impoverished past, must confront his once highly abusive addict father, La’Ron, after 15 years of distance between them. Although La’Ron claims to have been refor...
When a group of friends go hunting and accidentally kill someone carrying a bag full of money, their friendships are put to the test when the bag's true owner comes looking....
当沃坦星毁灭之后,由七个种族组成的沃坦人来到地球寻求帮助,希望能在这里安家。地球政府与沃坦人展开了大约六年的谈判,最终拒绝了他们的要求。沃坦人不愿离去,战争随即爆发。战争持续了九年,交战的双方都无法消灭对方,只好坐下来谈判。地球已经变成了一颗与当初完全不同的行星,只有搁置争议、共同开发才能让双方都生存下去。外星人重新构建了地球的表面,人类和外星人不得不和平共存。Jeb(格兰特·鲍尔 Grant B...
Scott Ryan主创兼主演﹑Nash Edgerton执导的喜剧《中间人先生 Mr Inbetween》获FX预订6集首季。该喜剧根据Scott Ryan 2005年的短片《The Magician》所改编,讲述主角Ray Shoesmith(Scott Ryan饰)身兼多职,包括父亲﹑前夫﹑男友﹑死党……以及杀手。...