Liv (Jessica Henwick) and Hanna (Julia Garner), two Canadian women on vacation in Australia, run out of money. Desperate, they take a job bartending in a remote desert Outback hotel, only to realize t...
In the age of social media, this eye-opening documentary examines the rising phenomenon of “fake news” in the U.S. and the impact that disinformation, conspiracy theories and false news stories have...
肖恩(Dwayne Douglas Johnson)是少年监管所的管理员,每天都为少年犯之间的纷争而烦恼。在他看来这些少年犯在这样的监禁环境下根本无法洗心革面,他的工作毫无意义。 在年迈母亲的鼓励下,肖恩决定用橄榄球改变孩子们的人生,将他们拉回正轨。尽管通过艰难的游说,肖恩终于说服高校赛季同意他带领少年犯参赛,但说服这些问题少年组成一只真正的队伍更加困难重重。肖恩用自己的强硬和对孩子们的信任...
A filmmaker discovers a box of video tapes depicting two students' disturbing film project featuring a local horror legend, The Peeping Tom. As he sets out to prove this story is real and release ...
名不见经传的小演员瑟琳娜·布鲁克斯(亚历珊德拉·索恰 Alexandra Socha 饰)渴望成名,多次试镜后,他联系到了一名小众导演亚拉巴马·切普曼(艾利克斯·赫特 Alex Hurt 饰),希望能在对方的长片中出演角色。数日后,瑟琳娜随着剧组其他成员驱车前往位于荒郊野外连网络和信号都没有的拍摄地。亚拉巴马精益求真,力求真实可靠,身边则云集了一群性格张扬的演职人员。令瑟琳娜始料未及的是,这是一个...